Farenexus Group Inc.

Type System Provider
Customer type Seller
Website http://farenexus.com
Product name nexusWind
Contact details Himanshu Pal, himanshu.pal@farenexus.com
Original entry date 2022-05
Expiration date 2025-05
Last changed 2024-06

A detailed list of certified capabilities and messages is available here.

Capabilities Validated

Capability Group Name Versions Entry Date
Order Order Information Upon Request 18.2 2022-04-06
Shop Shop for Flights 18.2 2022-04-06

Messages Verified

Version Message Effective Date
18.2 IATA_AirShoppingRQ 2022-04-06
IATA_AirShoppingRS 2022-04-06
IATA_OfferPriceRQ 2022-05-02
IATA_OfferPriceRS 2022-05-02
IATA_OrderChangeRQ 2022-05-02
IATA_OrderCreateRQ 2022-05-02
IATA_OrderRetrieveRQ 2022-04-06
IATA_OrderViewRS 2022-04-06