Sutherland Global Services Pvt. Ltd

Type System Provider
Customer type Airline
Product name altraPRA
Contact details Nilesh Chavan,
Partners Qatar Airways
Original entry date 2022-08
Expiration date 2024-08
Last changed 2024-07

A detailed list of certified capabilities and messages is available here.

Capabilities Validated

Capability Group Name Versions Entry Date
Account Accounting Order Sales Reporting with No Tickets and EMDs 18.2 2022-08-24
Order Status Change for Revenue Recognition 18.2 2022-08-24

Messages Verified

Version Message Effective Date
18.2 IATA_Ack 2022-08-24
IATA_OrderSalesInformationNotifRQ 2022-08-24
IATA_ServiceStatusChangeNotifRQ 2022-08-24