Travel Counsellors

Type Seller
Product name Phenix
Contact details Scott Tempero,
Original entry date 2022-07
Expiration date 2024-07
Last changed 2024-06

A detailed list of certified capabilities and messages is available here.

Capabilities Validated

Capability Group Name Versions Entry Date Confirmed live
Order Order Creation With Instant Payment 17.2 2022-07-26
Pay Pay Using Settlement Platform 17.2 2022-07-26
Shop Shop for Flights 17.2 2022-07-26
Shop For or with Ancillaries 17.2 2022-07-29
Seat Options 17.2 2022-07-29
Seat Map and Price Points 17.2 2022-07-29
Offer Conditions and Restrictions 17.2 2022-07-26

Messages Verified

Version Message Effective Date
17.2 AirShoppingRQ 2022-07-26
AirShoppingRS 2022-07-26
OfferPriceRQ 2022-07-26
OfferPriceRS 2022-07-26
OrderChangeRQ 2022-07-29
OrderCreateRQ 2022-07-26
OrderViewRS 2022-07-26
SeatAvailabilityRQ 2022-07-29
SeatAvailabilityRS 2022-07-29
ServiceListRQ 2022-07-29
ServiceListRS 2022-07-29