Pegasus Airlines

Type Airline
Product name Hitit Crane
Contact details Hande Gülkaç,
Partners APG INC, Hitit Computer Services, Hitit Computer Services, Paxport Group, Peakwork GmbH, Travelsoft, AG
Original entry date 2022-09
Expiration date 2024-09
Last changed 2024-03

A detailed list of certified capabilities and messages is available here.

Capabilities Validated

Capability Group Name Versions Entry Date Confirmed live
Order Create Order Without Payment 17.2 2022-08-02
Cancel Full Order 17.2 2022-08-02
Order Information Upon Request 17.2 2022-08-02
Notification of Airline Initiated Changes on an Order 17.2 2022-08-02
Shop Shop for Flights 17.2 2022-08-02
Shop For or with Ancillaries 17.2 2022-08-02
Seat Options 17.2 2022-08-02
Seat Map and Availability 17.2 2022-08-02
Seat Map and Price Points 17.2 2022-08-02
Setup Bug Tracking 2022-09-13
Online Bug Tracking Platform 2022-09-13
Technical Support 2022-09-13
User Documentation 2022-09-13

Messages Verified

Version Message Effective Date
17.2 AirShoppingRQ 2022-08-02
AirShoppingRS 2022-08-02
OrderCancelRQ 2022-08-02
OrderCancelRS 2022-08-02
OrderChangeNotif 2022-08-02
OrderChangeRQ 2022-09-13
OrderCreateRQ 2022-08-02
OrderReshopRQ 2022-09-13
OrderReshopRS 2022-09-13
OrderRetrieveRQ 2022-08-02
OrderViewRS 2022-08-02
SeatAvailabilityRQ 2022-08-02
SeatAvailabilityRS 2022-08-02